Ski Trip - Obertauern 2015

The annual St Thomas More ski trip departed to the world famous Obertauern for a week of great skiing and fun during the recent half term break.

A group of mixed ability skiers arrived in the snowy mountains ready to put on a ski for the first time or ready to tackle the piste once again. With the help of our fantastic instructors, everybody saw themselves moving like whippets by the end of the week. The beginners got to grips with it as good as any group before and the intermediate/advanced group looked as if they'd never left the slopes.

We were treated to perfect conditions with sunshine every day and making use of the recent snowfall the resort had before our arrival. In the evenings the boys took part in the ever competitive ski 5 a side tournament, saw an impressive ski show (performed by the instructors), swapped snow for the water at the local pool. Our thanks goes to our drivers during the week for knowing when to get the diesel, all of the staff who joined the boys for the week and to Mr Griffin, who’s time and effort ensured another safe and fantastic trip.