Class of 2015 6th Form Leavers

Year 13’s last day is always filled with mixed emotions for staff and students alike - happy that the students have come to the end of their education here at St Thomas More and are moving onto their next stage and nerves because they still have those important exams to sit and get the grades needed and, finally,   sadness because we have been a big part in our students lives some of them having been with us for 7 years! We held a farewell breakfast with lots of pupils donning their Yr11 ties and blazers – some of them don’t look a day older than when they were actually in Yr11!  There was singing of the School Hymn, goodbyes and dancing… some spectacular dancing and some strange uniform attire…..!


The Mass was a beautiful event and the students were, as always, respectful and they filled our hearts with pride. They all took home a blessed crucifix and the following prayer:

A Cross in My Pocket

I carry a cross in my pocket, a simple reminder to me

that I am a Christian, no matter where I may be.

This little cross isn’t magic, nor is it a good luck charm.

It isn’t meant to protect me from every physical harm.

It’s not for identification, for all the world to see.

It’s simply an understanding between my Saviour and me.

When I put my hand in my pocket, to bring out a coin or a key,

The cross is there to remind me of the price He paid for me.

It reminds me too, to be thankful for my blessings every day,

and to strive to serve Him better in all that I do or say.

It’s also a daily reminder of the peace and comfort I share

with all who know my Master and give themselves to His care.

So, I carry a cross in my pocket, reminding none but me

That Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life, if only I’ll let Him be.

Written by Vera Mae Thomas