Year 7 Afternoon Tea

On Friday afternoon, March 6th, year 6 Head teachers and staff were invited in to STM for afternoon tea and to meet their former pupils. It was an opportunity for the staff to hear what a successful transition the boys have had from their junior schools. It was a really enjoyable afternoon for all involved.


Afternoon tea was served first for the staff on their arrival, and then the year 7 pupils came and met with the staff and were able to show them pieces of their class work and extended learning projects. We were very happy to receive so many visitors from our local junior schools, and they told us how pleased they were to  hear from the boys that they are  settled at STM and of their various successes and achievements.

Many Thanks to all the staff that attended, and also a big Thank you to Mrs Potton and our catering staff here for the lovely afternoon tea provided.  Ms Jackson, Year 7 Pupil Support Mentor.