Year 7 Mass & Social Evening

We were delighted to welcome a very large number of parents and students to our Year 7 Mass, Social and Information evening yesterday. It was lovely to meet and talk to so many of you and hear how happy you are with the transition your sons have made to us from primary school.

Thank you to all the students and staff who helped to make members of Year 7 feel so welcome at mass and a special thanks to Mrs Webb for her overall leadership in preparing the liturgy. We are most grateful to Fr Jeff Woolnough who celebrated Mass and blessed the Form crosses which will accompany our students through the school. The music group led by Mr Riches enhanced our liturgy beautifully and we look forward to more students joining the group.

Our thanks also to the Parents’ and Staff Association for the refreshments, to our student welcoming committee and Mrs Potton and her Catering team for their information for parents about the food, menus and cashless catering. Please click here to obtain more the information about the PSA, including how you can join and support them in raising money for the students of the school.