World Book Day - 2nd March 2017

Thursday, 2nd March 2017 marked the 20th anniversary of World Book Day and we celebrated by offering our Year 7 students a morning of literacy based activities in the hall. The students were absolutely outstanding all morning and took part in a number of tasks all focused around their favourite books. We asked students to rank some of their favourites and give their reasons, their answers ranged from the ever popular Harry Potter series right through to the Lord of the Rings. George Buckingham (7S) won the first prize of the day for his fantastic Harry Potter costume and design.

As the morning progressed, the boys took part in a random object writing challenge the stories were of an incredibly high standard and was ultimately won by Ugonna Lemeh (7A)   

Finally, we chose our World Book Day champion Hayden Tanner-Smith (7P) whose fantastic costume and excellent work throughout the morning earnt him the top prize. A massive thank you to all the staff involved but particularly: Miss. Curtis, Miss. Caten and Mrs. Gillies for all their hard work throughout the morning. Well done boys and we look forward to next year! Mr Wiltshire.