Business Breakfast Meeting

On Wednesday of this week we were thrilled to have the annual Business Breakfast.  It was set up and designed by the Year 13 BTEC Business students as part of their ‘Managing a Business Event’ unit that they have to do for their course.  The students invited local businesses, arranged the agenda, arranged the resources, organised the catering, developed and presented on the topic of the Career Academy (soon to be Career Ready) programme as that was part of their brief (see below).

 ‘You are working for an event planning company who has been asked to put on a ‘Business Breakfast’ meeting for businesses in the local area.  You would like to use the theme of the Career Academy which is offered in St Thomas More High School and use this as the basis for the event.’

After lots of organising and inviting businesses along we were excited to see so many people turn up to the event.

Olivia O’Brien, welcomed everyone and reminded people to get some breakfast, Austin Brand delivered a short Health and Safety talk and housekeeping rules.  Then we moved onto the main event where Ryan Willis and Matteo Ngoma (despite being on crutches after a basketball injury) gave an entertaining and confident presentation all about the Career Academy and the model it follows and about how businesses can get involved.

We were also lucky enough to have one of the Career Academy champions (Lead mentor and on the Local Advisory Board) Dave Andrews who is also an ‘old boy’ of the school.  He spoke at length about his experiences of having interns in his previous job and what the benefits for businesses are and the different ways in which they can get involved.

Thank you to all of those people who helped make the event a success including the site team, catering staff, reception, reprographics as well as Miss Munson who was instrumental on the day (as always).

Thank you also to all of the business people who came along to the Business Breakfast and for taking time out of your busy schedules to come along and offer support.  It was lovely to see other ex-Tommy’s students coming along too, Toby Scoffield, Jessica Colbear and Tom Jeffs left a few years ago and are now wanting to give back, it is great to have them on board.

The event was a great success and the year 13 students did incredibly well in organising the event.

Well done to you!

Mrs Lindsay