Speech and Debate Achievement

 This week saw two teams from St Thomas More compete in the first round of English Speaking Union Competitions.  Alison Fylan and Connor Macmahon Year 12 took part in the ESU Mace Debating Competition at WHSB on Wednesday evening.  They presented an impressive case for the reduction of the voting age to 16.  They are pictured here. Three Year 10 students, Oliver Poskitt-Richardson, Leo Quartermain and Chris Ndlovu competed in the Churchill Public Speaking Competition hosted at Thorpe Hall on Thursday.  Their chosen topic “Is America the land of opportunity” was well received and elicited a lively response from the audience.  Congratulations to all the speakers and appreciation to Creflo Ijiwola-George who participated in team preparations and stood in reserve on the night. Congratulations to Oliver Robinson Year 7 who submitted an entry into the ESU Performing Shakespeare competition earlier this week.  We will receive feedback on his monologue from Julius Caesar in the new year.